Why do we need History?

Isn't History just about staring at old things?

Isn’t History just about staring at old things?

History has always been a subject which suffers quite a bit of stick from school kids and university students who claim that it is ‘boring’ or, if they’re feeling particularly blasphemous, that it is ‘pointless’ and they would rather be outside playing football. Now, while I am not one to claim that reading history is always more fun than having a kick about, I cannot stand the second irksome accusation and, thus, feel compelled to defend my subject. So here goes.

Without wishing to be immodest about it, history is part of the fundamental fabric of human society as well as being an irreplaceable means of interpreting and investigating the world around us. It is part of what makes us human as opposed to just highly evolved, mechanically thinking primates. History is a product of humanity’s unquenchable hunger for discerning our origins, to understand why we are here, and how we – that is, you and I specifically – came to be. Continue reading

Answering the Dreaded Career Question

"What did you say???"

“What did you say???”

“So… what’s your life plan?”

This is possibly the scariest question that I have ever been asked in my life, given that I am a third year humanities student reaching the end of my time in my comfortable education bubble.

My plan? For the rest of my life?

People want me to respond with a career plan. Carefully mapped out with a distinct goal. Some sort of reasonable aspiration with a structured path to achieving it. Perhaps a stable, well-financed and respected graduate course in accountancy or management consultancy? A training course with long hours and minimal holiday time at the expense of a social life. Or, maybe the person asking the question wants something more short-term but exciting? Travelling abroad to teach English, perhaps. Or maybe a jazzy internship in a far away country. Continue reading